Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Saturday - 10/24 - Donna's Boot Camp

This Saturday's boot camp workout will be lead by Donna M. at the Williamson County Regional Park. Donna will lead you through a series of body weight exercises that will get your heart pumping, your sweat pouring and your lungs breathing. Be there at 9:00 AM and get your weekend started off right with some good old-fashioned foot stomping exercise.

What You Need to Bring...

Exercise Mat or Large Towel

Athletic Shoes

Drinking Water

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Saturday - 10/17 - Group Walk & Run Day

This Saturday's workout will be a group walk and run (run if you can, walk if you can't). You can do one or both of those activities if you want to, but the important thing is to show up at 9:00 on Saturday and enjoy some exercise and fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Let's meet in the small parking lot near the football field and we'll head out from there.

And don't forget...we moved the workout times to 9:00 just so more people would be able to participate. Let's get out in numbers and have some fun together!!

And now a little blast from the past, this is the group that started it all...

Friday, October 9, 2009

New Workout Time!!

Effective immediately we will begin our workouts at 9:00 AM. We are making this change in an effort to try and increase the amount of participation for the group. The more people who are there the healthier we are and the healthier we are the better we can serve our Lord!!

We will continue to meet at the fenced in stadium located at Williamson County Regional Park for all workouts (unless otherwise noted).

This time change IS effective for this Saturday's Boot Camp class.

All workouts are canceled in the event of rain.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Saturday - 10/10 - Donna's Boot Camp

You wanted it, well now you've got it. Boot camp!

This Saturday's workout will be lead by Donna M. at the Williamson County Regional Park. Donna will lead you through a series of body weight exercises that will get your heart pumping, your sweat pouring and your lungs breathing. Be there at 8:00 AM and get your weekend started off right with some good old-fashioned foot stomping exercise.

What You Need to Bring...

Exercise Mat or Large Towel

Athletic Shoes

Drinking Water

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Saturday - 9/19 - Fun Run!

This Saturday is all about running! You can run fast. You can run slow. You can sprint. You can jog. You can even walk if you have to, but we want to get out and RUN! So lace up those running shoes and get out bright and early on Saturday morning to run, run, run!!

As usual, we'll meet at the small parking lot by the football field at the Williamson County Regional Park at 8:00 AM. This is one workout that will NOT be canceled in the event of rain! Rain or shine we'll be running!

See you Saturday!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday - 9/12 - Rained Out!!

Praise God for the rain!! However, there will be no workout today because of it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Saturday - 9/12 - Interval Circuit Training

Important Note: Due to soccer games being held at the Williamson County Regional park this weekend, this Saturday's workout will be held at the pedestrian bridge located at San Gabriel Park in Georgetown. Send an email to WestsideFitnessGroup@gmail.com if you need a map. This should be a temporary change.

With that being said, we have an AWESOME workout planned for everyone this week. Donna M will be leading us through her Interval Circuit Training routine. This workout received great reviews from those who were there last time. It will be a full body workout consisting of body weight exercises, plyometrics, cardio and more. Please come out at 8:00 on Saturday to Georgetown to show your support for Donna and to get a great workout! You'll need to bring water and either a large towel or exercise mat.

Also, for those who have never been to San Gabriel Park, there is a great hike and bike trail that circles the park and an even better one that goes all the way out to Lake Georgetown (and beyond of that is your desire). These trails are excellent for running, biking and walking.

For anyone interested in an early morning bike ride out to the lake and back, a group will be meeting at the pedestrian bridge at 6:30 AM for that very purpose. We will be back in plenty of time for the 8:00 workout. There may also be some folks staying after the 8:00 workout to enjoy the trails on wheels or on feet.

So, please come out and join us on Saturday. It's going to be a great workout!

On a weather related note, the forecasters are saying that there's a good chance the Lord will bless us with rain on Saturday. Whether you run or bike in the rain is your call, but all organized workouts will be canceled in the event of rain (so if you wake up and it's raining you have a decision to make).

Friday, September 4, 2009

Saturday - 9/5 - Walk, Run & Bike Your Way to Fitness

This Saturday's workout will be devoted to walking, running and biking. You can do any one of those or all three if you want to, but the important thing is to get up early on a Saturday morning and burn some calories!

As usual, we will meet at the football field at the Williamson County Regional Park at 8:00 AM. There is a track at the field that can be used for walking or running and there are also approximately 4 miles of crushed granite and mulch trails for walking, running or biking.

As a reminder, this group is open to people of all ages and all fitness levels. Please encourage your friends and family at Westside to come out and join us. The more the merrier!

As another reminder, group workouts will always be canceled in the event of rain, but we highly encourage walking and running in the rain if you get a chance. It's quite refreshing!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Saturday - 8/29 - Free Day!!

It's a Free Day Saturday folks! You can walk. You can run. You can bike. You can even skip, crawl, roll or do hand stands if you want to! The main thing is that you get out in the sunshine on Saturday morning with your brothers and sisters in Christ and get some exercise!

We'll meet at 8:00 at the football field. Bring whatever gear you think you need for whatever it is you plan to do and let's get moving!

See you Saturday!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Saturday - 8/22 - Pilates

This coming Saturday Danielle R will be leading all of us in a fun and challenging Pilates session!

If you've never done Pilates before now is a great time to start. With the help and guidance of Danielle, everyone will be able to walk away Saturday feeling stronger, leaner and more flexible than you were before. And contrary to popular belief, Pilates isn't just for women. Everyone...male and female...young and old...can benefit from Pilates. So come on out on Saturday and join us as we all strive for better health and fitness.

What You Need:

Exercise mat or large towel.

What You Do NOT Need:


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Saturday - 8/15 - Core & Abs

This week our very own Danielle H. will be leading the group in a gut wrenching core and ab workout. Having a strong core is an essential part of fitness that helps in almost every physical aspect of our lives. It also helps to prevent injuries while performing other workouts as well as your normal everyday activities. Danielle is going to lead you through a series of exercises that will help you to build strength not only in your upper and lower abs, but also in your obliques, transverse abs and the lower back muscles that help to make up the "core" of your body.

If you're not in the habit of doing core and ab exercises then don't let it intimidate you. Now is a great time to start! Just come out on Saturday and do your best. Then when you're done, go ahead and take a stroll, jog or ride around the nice trails at the park while you're there. You won't regret it!

Be sure to bring an exercise mat or large towel and some drinking water!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Saturday - 8/8 - Total Body Workout

One of the best ways to improve your general fitness is through the frequent use of total body workouts. This Saturday Danielle H. will be leading the group in a total body workout that is guaranteed to leave you feeling healthier, stronger, leaner and of course...TIRED! It will be a fun and exciting workout, so come on out to the park at 8:00 AM and enjoy some good exercise and good fellowship all at the same time.


Mat or Large Towel

Drinking Water

Why a total body workout, you ask? We're glad you asked because it's really quite simple! Here are the top five reasons why YOU should be doing TOTAL BODY workouts on a regular occasion:

1. You'll Burn More Calories. Total body workouts train all of your body's major muscle groups in each and every workout. Training all of your major muscle groups means more work per training session. The more work you do, the more calories you burn. It's as simple as that!

2. Boosts Hormones Responsible for Building Muscle and Burning Fat. Training with total body workouts produces a significant increase in hormones such as testosterone and growth hormones, which can help you build muscle and lose body fat. The more you can increase your body's production of these hormones, the greater the results you'll get. Not to worry though, ladies! Increasing testosterone through exercise will NOT turn you into a man! Instead, it will help you get and stay lean and fit!

3. Get More Done in Less Time. Another benefit of total body workouts is that they are great time savers. Since they use a few exercises to hit as many muscle groups at once as possible, you will get more done in less time. Most total body workouts take only about 45 minutes!

4. Total Body Workouts Strengthen Your Heart Too. It's true! Total body workouts also help to strengthen your body's most important muscle...the heart. Multiple sets of squats, rows and presses at each workout will kick your heart into overdrive, effectively strengthening it and leading to better heart health.

5. Resembles Real Life Activity. In life, whether you are picking up your kids, lifting groceries out of the car or playing your favorite sport you use your entire body with every movement. Total body workouts make you stronger and better prepared to perform throughout the day and during your favorite activities.

So that's it! That's five major reasons why you should join the Westside Fitness Group this Saturday! And as usual, we encourage anyone who wants to come early or stay later for some additional exercise on their own or with a buddy to do so. It's all about fun, fellowship and fitness!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Saturday - 8/1 - Interval Circuit Training

Are you ready to sweat? We hope so because this Saturday Donna M. will be leading everyone through a fun and challenging circuit of calisthenics, plyometrics and good old-fashioned cardio work that will help to get you fit and trim. Donna said she wants to show everyone that you don't need fancy equipment or an expensive gym membership in order to get a good workout. All you need is a positive and willing attitude, your own body weight and the desire to push yourself.

As usual, we'll all meet at 8:00 at the football field at the Williamson County Regional Park. Anyone who would like to come early or stay after the group session for additional exercise of your choosing is both welcomed and encouraged to do so. Get someone to join you!


- An exercise mat or large towel
- Water

As a reminder, all of our group workouts are designed so that people of all ages and all fitness levels can participate. Whether you can run marathons in your sleep or you lose your breath just getting up off the couch, we want you to be part of our group and we welcome everyone with open arms.

See you Saturday!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Saturday 7/25 - Pilates!!

This coming Saturday we will be hosting the second meeting of the Westside Fitness Group and it promises to be a good one. Danielle Robinson will be leading all of us in a fun and challenging Pilates session!

If you've never done Pilates before now is a great time to start. With the help and guidance of Danielle, everyone will be able to walk away Saturday feeling stronger, leaner and more flexible than you were before. And contrary to popular belief, Pilates isn't just for women. Everyone...male and female...young and old...can benefit from Pilates. So come on out on Saturday and join us as we all strive for better health and fitness.

What You Need:

Exercise mat or large towel.

What You Do NOT Need:


Want to know more about Pilates? Below is an excerpt from About.com that explains a little bit about what it is and why it will benefit you:

"Pilates is a form of exercise, developed by Joseph Pilates, which emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength, flexibility, and awareness in order to support efficient, graceful movement. One of the best things about the Pilates method is that it works so well for a wide range of people. The top benefits doing of Pilates exercise that people report are that they become stronger, longer, leaner, and more able to do anything with grace and ease.

Core strength is the foundation of Pilates exercise. The core muscles are the deep, internal muscles of the abdomen and back. When the core muscles are strong and doing their job, as they are trained to do in Pilates, they work in tandem with the more superficial muscles of the trunk to support the spine and movement. As you develop your core strength you develop stability throughout your entire torso. Pilates exercises do not include a lot of repetitions for each move. Instead, doing each exercise fully, with precision, yields significant results in a shorter time than one would ever imagine."

See you Saturday!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

5K for Clay - August 15th

Last year several folks in the Westside Run Group ran the 5K for Clay in Round Rock. For those of you not familiar with this race, it benefits the Clay Madsen Recreation Center in Round Rock "which strives to be a safe place where children and adults can learn leadership and sportsmanship qualities."

Running is a great way to develop physical fitness and build up your cardio endurance. If you have never walked or ran in a race like this before, those of us who participated in this race last year will tell you that it feels great to finish the race and also know that the registration fees are going to a good cause. It's fun too!

For anyone interested in learning more about this event or registering, please visit the following website: 5K for Clay

It will be great if we can have a good group of folks representing Westside in this race!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Going Live This Saturday - Core & Abs

That's right...this coming Saturday (7/18) will be the first official workout of the newly-formed Westside Fitness Group. If you're not excited then you must not have a pulse! Everyone plan to meet at the west entrance to the football field at Williamson County Regional Park at 8:00 sharp for our first workout.

Speaking of our first workout, I'm happy to announce that this week our very own Danielle Hinson will be leading the group in a gut wrenching core and ab workout. Having a strong core is an essential part of fitness that helps in almost every physical aspect of our lives. It also helps to prevent injuries while performing other workouts as well as your normal everyday activities. Danielle is going to lead you through a series of exercises that will help you to build strength not only in your upper and lower abs, but also in your obliques, transverse abs and the lower back muscles that help to make up the "core" of your body.

If you're not in the habit of doing core and ab exercises then don't let it intimidate you. Now is a great time to start! Just come out on Saturday and do your best. Then when you're done, go ahead and take a stroll, jog or ride around the nice trails at the park while you're there. You won't regret it!

I'm working to get a schedule together for the rest of July as well as the month of August. That should be coming soon, so check back here often.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Saturday - July 11th - Not Yet!!


The fitness group is technically not starting yet since this whole thing kind of just happened yesterday, but I will be at the park tomorrow (Saturday) at 8 AM to walk or run with anyone that shows up.

Don't feel like you have to show up for my sake though as I will have already completed my workout by 8 AM and my presence there will mostly be for the purposes of making sure that anyone who goes doesn't have to go alone.

I hope to post an actual schedule of some sort soon. Though I will be out of town, I don't think this is officially going to kick off until next weekend (the 18th).

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Coming Soon!!

Things are about to get exciting for our new group! To be honest, it's all falling into place better than I could have hoped. I've been sort of tossing around the idea for a while now of converting the Westside Run Group to a fitness group so we could get more involvement, but I never really did anything with those thoughts until today.

As I was at the gym this morning sweating away the pounds, I started thinking about this again and ideas started formulating in my head. By 6:45 AM I managed to recruit a boot camp instructor. Later in the morning this website was created along with a new email address and a Facebook group. This afternoon we got lucky enough to snag a Pilates instructor. If I wasn't excited before, I'm VERY excited now! I'm not yet going to reveal who these top notch ladies are, but I'm grateful for their willingness to help out and I look forward to the opportunities for health and fitness that they'll bring to the table.

The details are still in the works, but at this point here is the vision I have for our weekly meetings:

  • One Saturday a month we'll have a boot camp session.
  • One Saturday a month we'll have a Pilates session.
  • Two to three Saturdays a month will be walk/run/bike Saturdays (or whatever else we can come up with).

If the boot camp and Pilates sessions become very popular we may explore the possibilities of doing them more frequently (perhaps with different instructors so that we don't place too much of a burden on the two we have now).

I plan to send out weekly emails letting everyone know what the next Saturday's workout will be and also sharing articles related to fitness and/or nutrition. Feel free to send your favorite articles to the group email if you find one you want to share.

So, this whole thing is still evolving and developing, but that's where it's at right now.

Stay tuned for more!! I hope to have a schedule posted soon so that everyone can see what's coming up.

God is good! Spread the word!