Promoting health, fitness and fellowship at the Westside Church of Christ.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Saturday - 8/29 - Free Day!!
It's a Free Day Saturday folks! You can walk. You can run. You can bike. You can even skip, crawl, roll or do hand stands if you want to! The main thing is that you get out in the sunshine on Saturday morning with your brothers and sisters in Christ and get some exercise!
We'll meet at 8:00 at the football field. Bring whatever gear you think you need for whatever it is you plan to do and let's get moving!
The Westside Fitness Group is a group of Christians from the Westside Church of Christ in Round Rock, Texas. Our goal is to encourage active lifestyles in a fun and fulfilling way that promotes health, fitness and fellowship with one another.
We are open to all ages and all fitness levels. It doesn't matter if you're an Olympic level athlete or you're just trying to get off of the couch for the first time. We have a place for you! Activities include walking, running, biking, boot camps, core & ab workouts, Pilates and more!! Just pick the activities that you want to participate in and join in the fun! There are no fees, no contracts and no limits on what you can do. The only requirement is that you get those feet moving and have some fun and fellowship with other Christians!
Where We Meet
The group meets at 9:00 AM every Saturday at the football field located at the Williamson County Regional Park in Round Rock. Just turn north on Sam Bass Road (aka CR 175) off of FM 1431 and the entrance to the park is located on the right-hand side at the first red light. Drive to the circle and turn into the parking lot and you're there!
Contact Us
For more information or to subscribe to the mailing list please send an email to:
All participants are encouraged to seek doctor's approval prior to beginning a new workout regimen.
Please be considerate of your fellow Christians and dress appropriately.
All group meetings will be cancelled in the event of rain.
Map to park available upon request.
Health & Fitness Links
This is a list of websites for various diets, workout programs, local businesses and other items related to health and fitness that members of the Westside Fitness Group have recommended. If you have a website related to health and fitness that you recommend please send it to the email address above.
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