Thursday, August 27, 2009

Saturday - 8/29 - Free Day!!

It's a Free Day Saturday folks! You can walk. You can run. You can bike. You can even skip, crawl, roll or do hand stands if you want to! The main thing is that you get out in the sunshine on Saturday morning with your brothers and sisters in Christ and get some exercise!

We'll meet at 8:00 at the football field. Bring whatever gear you think you need for whatever it is you plan to do and let's get moving!

See you Saturday!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Saturday - 8/22 - Pilates

This coming Saturday Danielle R will be leading all of us in a fun and challenging Pilates session!

If you've never done Pilates before now is a great time to start. With the help and guidance of Danielle, everyone will be able to walk away Saturday feeling stronger, leaner and more flexible than you were before. And contrary to popular belief, Pilates isn't just for women. Everyone...male and female...young and old...can benefit from Pilates. So come on out on Saturday and join us as we all strive for better health and fitness.

What You Need:

Exercise mat or large towel.

What You Do NOT Need:


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Saturday - 8/15 - Core & Abs

This week our very own Danielle H. will be leading the group in a gut wrenching core and ab workout. Having a strong core is an essential part of fitness that helps in almost every physical aspect of our lives. It also helps to prevent injuries while performing other workouts as well as your normal everyday activities. Danielle is going to lead you through a series of exercises that will help you to build strength not only in your upper and lower abs, but also in your obliques, transverse abs and the lower back muscles that help to make up the "core" of your body.

If you're not in the habit of doing core and ab exercises then don't let it intimidate you. Now is a great time to start! Just come out on Saturday and do your best. Then when you're done, go ahead and take a stroll, jog or ride around the nice trails at the park while you're there. You won't regret it!

Be sure to bring an exercise mat or large towel and some drinking water!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Saturday - 8/8 - Total Body Workout

One of the best ways to improve your general fitness is through the frequent use of total body workouts. This Saturday Danielle H. will be leading the group in a total body workout that is guaranteed to leave you feeling healthier, stronger, leaner and of course...TIRED! It will be a fun and exciting workout, so come on out to the park at 8:00 AM and enjoy some good exercise and good fellowship all at the same time.


Mat or Large Towel

Drinking Water

Why a total body workout, you ask? We're glad you asked because it's really quite simple! Here are the top five reasons why YOU should be doing TOTAL BODY workouts on a regular occasion:

1. You'll Burn More Calories. Total body workouts train all of your body's major muscle groups in each and every workout. Training all of your major muscle groups means more work per training session. The more work you do, the more calories you burn. It's as simple as that!

2. Boosts Hormones Responsible for Building Muscle and Burning Fat. Training with total body workouts produces a significant increase in hormones such as testosterone and growth hormones, which can help you build muscle and lose body fat. The more you can increase your body's production of these hormones, the greater the results you'll get. Not to worry though, ladies! Increasing testosterone through exercise will NOT turn you into a man! Instead, it will help you get and stay lean and fit!

3. Get More Done in Less Time. Another benefit of total body workouts is that they are great time savers. Since they use a few exercises to hit as many muscle groups at once as possible, you will get more done in less time. Most total body workouts take only about 45 minutes!

4. Total Body Workouts Strengthen Your Heart Too. It's true! Total body workouts also help to strengthen your body's most important muscle...the heart. Multiple sets of squats, rows and presses at each workout will kick your heart into overdrive, effectively strengthening it and leading to better heart health.

5. Resembles Real Life Activity. In life, whether you are picking up your kids, lifting groceries out of the car or playing your favorite sport you use your entire body with every movement. Total body workouts make you stronger and better prepared to perform throughout the day and during your favorite activities.

So that's it! That's five major reasons why you should join the Westside Fitness Group this Saturday! And as usual, we encourage anyone who wants to come early or stay later for some additional exercise on their own or with a buddy to do so. It's all about fun, fellowship and fitness!